Post by margaery tyrell on Sept 25, 2014 4:47:11 GMT
no, i want to be
the queen Margaery didn’t have anything to do today, her grandma was off planning something with her father. Or was more like instructing her father to do something. Either way her grandma was busy which meant Margaery was free. But the boys weren’t unfortunately. And that was not okay with Margaery. While the girl wasn’t interested in sword fighting herself, the girl was adventurer but she was still a girl. Fighting with sticks was not something she was interested in. However she refused to be bored and left out of her brothers’ fun. And if she couldn’t join them, well then she was going to interrupt them and create her own fun. The ten year old struggle down the hall with the bucket full of water, trying not to trip on her dress or spill the water. After a few minutes Margaery made her way to the training area, immediately spotting her older and younger brother. She suppressed a giggle as she spotted the ledge right above them. The girl tiptoed over there with the bucket of water, carefully putting it down and climbing up on the edge. Yes climbing, running, and breaking windows she was into…fighting with swords she wasn’t. Yes the girl was a contradiction. But oh well. Margaery adjusted herself on the ledge, looking over to make sure her brothers didn’t catch her. Once the coast was clear, the little girl grabbed the bucket and, after struggling slightly, put it on the ledge next to her. Margaery grinned as she waited for her brothers to be in the perfect spot. Once they were the little girl shouted, “RAIN STORM!” And immediately poured the bucket of water on their heads. She let out a laugh and quickly ran off the ledge, knocking the bucket off…hopefully not hitting either one of them with it. Margaery quickly ran down the hall, picking her dress so she wouldn’t trip. The girl made her way to the safest place she knew. Willas’ room. While Loras and Garlan were practicing sword fighting, Grandma had Willas learn house words and battle strategies. Something she always made him do over fighting because he was the heir to High Garden, even before his injury. “Willas!” the little girl exclaimed, swinging the door open to his room and immediately spotting him at his desk. “I know Grandma said not to interrupt you but I need your help!” Margaery peered through the door, hearing her brothers in the distance. “Hide me!” She wasn’t supposed to interrupt her eldest brother during his studies unless it was life or death. And while this wasn’t life or death, it was important. And she was his favorite sister after all.
Post by willas tyrell on Sept 25, 2014 7:18:38 GMT
the pen is mightier than the sword
and considerably easier to write with ”I got you!”
”You did not!”
”I did.”
”You’re getting better.” Garlan conceded, and his younger brother grinned with pride. In a few years, he would be old enough to squire. And then become a knight. And maybe even a member of the kingsguard. He’d love to wear the shiny white armor, and get gold and awards from all the tourneys. And of coutse being loved and adored. Yes, Loras was most definitely the most showy of all his siblings, but being the youngest of the Tyrell children, how else would he get seen? ”But,” Loras was broken from his dreams of grandeur when Garlan poked him hard in the stomach, ”A good knight never lets his guard down.”
”I knew that.”
The playful arguing most certainly would have continued for some time had Margaery not decided it was time to cool them off. ”RAIN STORM!” Both brothers opened their mouths in surprise as the water was poured on their heads. As soon as the bucket was dropped they exchanged a mischievous look, swords on the ground forgotten. Loras scooped up the bucket and ran to fill it, Garlan watching down the hall where his sister went. ”Hurry up!” Garlan called. He glanced back once Margaery had ran out of his line of sight, grabbing the bucket from Loras because, well, he wanted the water to stay in it.
Willas had heard the commotion when it started. He usually kept his windows open, to let his falcon fly in and out, though he also enjoyed listening to his siblings’s games. They were far more interesting than the books he was expected to read. Just like Margaery was being trained to become their grandmother, Willas would one day become their father.. except.. better… obviously. He was very serious about his duties as the heir to Highgarden, however that didn’t mean the interruption from his sister was unwelcomed. ”I know Grandma said not to interrupt you but I need your help!” ”What have you done now?” He tried to sound stern, but it was difficult to keep the smile from his face. The heard the other two running down the hall and pursed his lips. ”Hide me!” ”Get under the desk,” Yeah, as responsible as he might have been he was far too easily dragged into his brothers and sisters’s antics. He pushed his chair back to give her more room, adjusting the book on the desk as Garlan and Loras ran in. He was unable to stop himself from laughing at the sight of them soaked. ”What the hell happened to you two? You look like a couple of drenched cats.”
The two of them launched into their explanations at the same time, speaking over each other in a way that made almost no sense, but the name ‘Margaery’ came up enough times for Willas to get the idea.
Post by margaery tyrell on Sept 25, 2014 19:09:16 GMT
no, i want to be
the queen Hurry up! Margaery was glad she had a head start on the other two. If it came down to just running they would probably catch up to her in no time. Her dress weighed her down slightly and Garlan was taller than her, with longer legs. Which made his strides longer, not mention he was practicing to become a knight. Knights needed to be in shape. All Margaery had to do was stay pretty and that was mostly relying on good clothes and genetics. But she did make it to Willas’ room and he didn’t seem to mind the interruption. What have you done now? “Uhh…something funny…” But not very ladylike as her mother and grandma would say, though they would still think it was funny. Margaery tapped her foot nervously as she heard the other two come down the hall. Get under the desk. Margaery grinned a thanks at her eldest brother as she practically dove under the desk. The small girl pulled her knees to her chest, hoping if she made herself smaller that she would become invisible and they wouldn’t see her. What the hell happened to you two? You look like a couple of drenched cats. Margaery peered out from under the desk, looking to see her handy work. She didn’t get time to look at it before. Margaery quickly stuck herself under the desk as the other two began to explain their story in unison. Margaery tugged at Willas’ pant leg. “Tell them I’m not here,” she tried whispering to him. It wasn’t that she had faith in her brother’s ability to hide her. He just needed to get rid of them soon. Margaery couldn’t stay under the desk forever you know.
Post by loras tyrell on Sept 27, 2014 5:13:43 GMT
i will put a sword through
his righteous face
”Uhh.. something funny..” Yeah, Willas would have sought out more of an explanation were the other two not at his doorway. It was easy enough to keep them preoccupied and he certainly didn’t need to be told how to get rid of them. He waited until they were done with their explanation before speaking. ”Well, as grateful as I am that you came to show me our sister’s handiwork, I haven’t seen her since breakfast. I’d try grandma’s room. Then again, perhaps you should change first.” Because Olenna would only find some way to make fun of the two of them. It was no secret that the women would never punish Margaery for anything.
Loras believed the lie without much troube but Garlan knew he’d seen Margaery run this way. He narrowed his eyes, smirking. ”So you wouldn’t mind if we looked around?”
”I’d most certainly mind. I’m busy.”
”You’re not busy.” Loras argued. Garlan was already scanning the room with his eyes.
”There she is!” he called out when he spotted her shadow moving slightly on the ground (godmoddingly assuming she’s going to try and sneak out when they’re distracted). Loras took the impulsive route and tossed the bucket’s content at her.. and you know.. everything else in the immediate area. Foresight wasn't his greatest asset.
Post by margaery tyrell on Sept 29, 2014 20:10:16 GMT
no, i want to be
the queen So you wouldn’t mind if we looked around? “Yes, yes we would mind,” Margaery whispered to herself, listening into the conversation. Peering her head about again would be stupid. She was not going to risk it while they were being suspicious. I’d most certainly mind. I’m busy. … You’re not busy. Don’t be rude Loras. Margaery couldn’t wait much longer. Clearly they were not believing Willas. Apparently Olenna and Margaery were the only Tyrells that could lie. Wonderful. Margaery waited a few more seconds before making an impulsive decision to escape. Yes she probably should have stayed under the desk but she was being impatient. And the other two were relentless. Margaery adjusted her dress around her and crawled out as the three were distracted to each other. The small girl crawled on her knees, taking in the room sights. The bed would be good place to hide. She crawled behind Willas and his chair, She set herself up ready to run for the bed when she heard Garlan’s voice. There she is! Margaery dove back behind Willas and quickly under the desk once more as Loras threw the bucket of water. Some of it hitting her feet. The rest well she assumed either got on the floor or on Willas. Hopefully it was just the floor. She didn’t want her older brother to take fire for her. “You missed!” Margaery called from under the desk. “And you two are training to be knights…tsk tsk!” Margaery tried to sound disappointed but the giggling took away from the effect.
Post by willas tyrell on Oct 1, 2014 0:36:38 GMT
the pen is mightier than the sword
and considerably easier to write with Loras hadn’t really thought about the idea of ‘missing’ or the fact that his chances of hitting anything aside from his sister were far greater than his chances of hitting the girl. Garlan just cringed, knowing this wasn’t going to go well.
”You missed! And you two are training to be knights… tsk tsk!” ”I didn’t miss.. I meant to do that!” Loras said in attempt to defend himself.
”Well thank you, Loras.” Willas commented sarcastically, having gotten considerably wet during the effort.
”You were helping her!” Loras pointed a finger at his older brother accusingly. ”That makes you an acc- ummm- acca“
”Accomplice?” Willas offered.
”See! You even admitted to it!”
Willas glanced down at his sister, smirking slightly. Well, now tat they'd involved him.. ”What do you think Margaery, it seems our knights need a lesson on how to win a battle.”
Post by margaery tyrell on Oct 14, 2014 19:09:16 GMT
no, i want to be
the queen I didn’t miss… I meant to do that! “No you didn’t,” Margaery countered, knowing very well that Loras meant to hit her. But he clearly missed. He really needed to work on his aim, especially if he was planning on becoming a knight someday. He was going to have to hit moving targets when he gets older. Better start training more now. She giggled as her brothers interacted with each other. Shielding herself still, she didn’t see another bucket of water but oh could never be too cautious. Accomplice? “Looks like someone needs to do more reading with grandma,” Margaery teased from under the desk, sticking her tongue out at Loras. See! You even admitted to it! The little girl let out another giggle. She loved Willas, he always helped her. He was one of her favorites. At least at the moment he was one of her favorites. Margaery grinned up at Willas. What do you think Margaery, it seems our knights need a lesson on how to win a battle. “Yes! Tally-ho!” Margaery cheered, springing out from under the desk and to her feet. She grabbed a book from Willas’ desk and held it up as a shield.